iOS 16.2 Beta 4 – New Features, Follow Up, Battery Life and More

hi everyone Aaron here for zollotech and also this.
past week we had a little bit of a surprise launch with iphone 16.1.2 we additionally had iphone 16.2 beta 4 with even more.
functions modifications and also updates that have actually been located since the initial iphone 16.2 beta 4 is out video clip so.
we'' ll talk concerning that'we ' ll additionally speak concerning the general experience based off the YouTube Community.
survey as well as even more where there'' s 196 comments and over 9700 ballots practically 10 000 ballots at the time of.
this video clip so I'' ve read all of these comments to offer us a basic understanding and the overall.
experience of what it'' s like utilizing either among those so we'' ll speak about battery life as well as even more a.
bit later on now the very first point is IOS 16.1.2 was launched today with safety and security updates the.
strange thing is Apple hasn'' t updated the safety web site yet so if we refresh the internet site here.
as well as scroll down you'' ll see that it claims that it released iOS 16.1.2 yet it says details readily available. quickly commonly after a few hours of launch Apple will actually update this until now it'' s been a. few days as well as we haven ' t seen this updated so exactly what remains in this upgrade as much as safety.
updates maybe they'' re kind of not wanting to inform any individual until iphone 16.2 is out or hopefully they''
ll. upgrade this soon so we recognize specifically what they fixed to ensure that'' s a little bit odd however we do understand that.
iOS 16.1.2 had repairs for the total connection as well as carrier updates as well as it appears like according.
to the majority of people that the total connectivity is boosted this moment around not a hundred percent.
for everyone yet I'' ve had a whole lot of positive records claiming that it'' s far better so I'believed. I ' d just state that now with iphone 16.2 being virtually below possibly a pair weeks away and we''
ll. speak about that a little later on there'' s some new functions in this update the significant one which.
I desired simply to freshen prior to we speak about the brand-new features that have been located given that is.
freeform the cooperation application this is something that was promised with iphone 16 and also is still not.
out so we'' ll see that with the launch of IOS 16.2 in addition to the constantly on screen adjustments.
where you can transform the wallpaper to switch off so in the display screen settings if you have an apple iphone.
14 pro or Pro Max and also you go to show as well as brightness and then to constantly on display you.
can shut off the wallpaper and simply make it an all black display screen so much I sanctuary'' t seen an improvement. actually with battery life with that in my experience however it ' s there if you simply want it to. be off entirely to ensure that ' s something worth noting and afterwards obviously 5G in India that will certainly be coming.
with this update however there'' s much more to chat concerning and also with beta 4 we had alert updates.
quite a few of them in fact so if we scroll down you'' ll see alerts and also one of the important things is.
as you can see some of your older notices now without swiping up so that'' s been altered the. overall computer animation has transformed a little as well as I stated that prior to however they made some major.
adjustments as this is a little bit buggy also we'' re not precisely certain when but based off of perhaps beta.
2 Beta 3 you can'' t swipe numerous alerts away simultaneously utilizing numerous fingers anymore for.
some reason it doesn'' t seem to work to make sure that ' s something they ' ve altered with any luck they'transformed. that part however at the very least they ' ve offered us even more alerts on this display at the same time to ensure that ' s. a great indicator as well as again on this set below you can see there ' s also extra alerts so if I attempt. to swipe those off just one each time is enabled some factor so I ' m not truly certain why that. is'currently when you ' re using Shazam from the nerve center this is something that ' s been upgraded if. you have a phone that'' s not an iPhone 14 professional or Pro Max they in fact have a brand-new icon right here so if.
I push the Shazam button swipe home and also provide it a 2nd you'' ll see there ' s a microphone icon that. shows up in the upper left it receives the dynamic Island on the apple iphone 14 professional and professional Max but that. was in fact there before with previous updates so once again if we most likely to the Shazam thing right here or Shazam.
button below rather you'' ll see the microphone shows up in the dynamic Island however that was there.
with previous updates likewise when you'' re utilizing the vibrant Island this time around I pointed out.
a little about this prior to if possibly we play a tune let me turn this down maybe we'' ll just go. in and we'' ll play a tune Below swipe up it'' s in the dynamic Island you ' ll see that the rundown. on a black background is really pale contrasted to what we had before with beta 3 or earlier.
so we'' ll do the exact same thing on the previous one swipe home as well as you can see the overview is a. little extra prominent on the apple iphone 14 professional with beta 3 in contrast to the pro Max on beta 4..
to make sure that'' s something that ' s transformed I don ' t recognize that I like it I kind of like the a lot more prominent.
Dynamic Island rundown nevertheless I really hope maybe they provide us the alternative for that in the future that'' s. something I would most definitely welcome and like to see with this update but perhaps we'' ll see that with.
the release prospect currently if you have an M1 or M2 based iPad and also you plug in an external display screen on.
iPad OS 16.2 beta 4.

We'' ll await it to link offer it just a moment there'' s a weird change that. is kind of a new Behavior but looks like a bug so if we push play perhaps on this track here and after that.
we tap on this choice to maybe AirPlay this to some house pods you'' ll currently get a message that says. AirPlay is inaccessible while an external screen is attached now possibly this was triggering a concern.
in the past so they added this I saw this in the code that they added it and after that now it'' s up to. dated and it'' s in fact a feature not an error so it'' s something they ' ve transformed that perhaps was.
triggering enough issues where you can'' t AirPlay however it ' s a little bit frustrating is possibly if you ' re. utilizing residence vessels in Stereo as your audio speakers for your monitor it doesn'' t appear like that will function. when an external display screen is attached so this is reproducible on all of the outside display.
connected iPads it'' s a very weird actions and it happens over and over currently with any luck it'' s. repaired with the RC or the final release now also back with the always on display screen you can see here.
that it'' s actually been updated as far as the overall wording where prior to it would certainly state when.
and also currently it really states w-h-e-n like it ought to and also my friend Steve Mosher uploaded this a long time.
earlier so as you can see below this is what it looked like before so they took care of that typo they'' ve had. a couple typos this year in various updates as well currently additionally in the what'' s brand-new video clip If we go to. availability you can see there'' s brand-new icons for Apple view mirroring and control close-by tools.
to ensure that'' s something I stated before that I simply thought I'' d mention once more'it ' s a small change
. but they have changed some symbols throughout as you can see below with beta 3 on the left beta 4.
on the right so simply some new icons there there'' s likewise some updates to the Apple watch yet I wear'' t. think they ' ve allowed a couple of things here as much as'what we can see as there ' s a great deal much more in the. code so for instance group messaging alternatives to allow group messaging we '
re unsure if this is. an attribute'or a settings transform they ' re going to have in the future I couldn ' t find it anywhere. as well as there ' s a whole lot discussing being able to undelete scrap from messages also so there.
could be some brand-new message updates with the final launch or release prospect however we haven'' t seen. those yet I looked all throughout setups yet ideally this isn'' t something'that ' s
comparable. to the airdrop point we saw that was in China so where they would in fact alter this and stop.
you from actually keeping it on everyone all the time to ensure that'' s something that could roll out to.
every person but under airdrop you'' ll see that we have every person in China it'' s everyone for 10 minutes in.
the code of this variation with beta 4 it appears like team messaging has some comparable choices we simply.
sanctuary'' t seen it enabled yet so if you'' re overseas and also you in fact see a distinction with messaging.
for group messaging I'' d love to speak with you in the remarks below however there'' s most definitely some.
modifications there also relating to junk now there'' s 2 points I wanted to point out before we speak.
regarding pests that have been repaired and also pests that are staying and also the first one concerns Apple'' s. upcoming AR virtual reality headset currently this is something that remains in the supply chain and also individuals are hearing and also.
we understood from the code was going to have a brand-new OS called truth OS nonetheless current information states.
it'' s now been renamed to xros or 10 Ros which is a bit weird since that'' s a phone the apple iphone 10r.
so hopefully this is just kind of a placeholder or maybe they'' ll adjustment it in the future we put on'' t. really know but it ' s simply something that I believed was odd because we saw in the code is truth OS.
for as long likewise emergency SOS on the most recent iPhone 14s showed up to have aided a person in.
Alaska so whether they were stranded they were in Alaska without signal on a snowmobile.
they were in fact rescued with emergency SOS so it'' s wonderful to see that that ' s actually worked at.
the very least for the very first time that we understand of ideally it'' s assisted a few other people too that perhaps.
needed a little added aid and also didn'' t have a signal so it'' s great that'that ' s working already. for some individuals currently as far as points that have been repaired well people have actually claimed that'they ' ve. dealt with the Apple watch sync issue so if you had notices can be found in actually late or not revealing.
up in all on an Apple Watch apparently it'' s taken care of that'problem on the whole to make sure that ' s terrific news additionally many. individuals have stated the turning bug is fixed so if we enter into YouTube and within YouTube If I play.
one of my videos and revolve the screen it'' s not super smooth for me yet it appears to be far better.
for a lot of people so for some individuals that'' s fixed it ' s not taken care of for me yet but let me know in. the remarks listed below if it ' s functioning much better for you now as far as insects well the very first point you might.
have actually currently discovered is if we go right into the control facility on top you'' ll see system solutions this.
is constantly there with beta 4.

So you certainly can transform this off you can switch off system.
Solutions entirely as well as simply disable it but under personal privacy as well as system Services place is constantly.
being used with beta 4. it doesn'' t really seem to be affecting battery performance excessive yet it'' s. simply regularly there so I assume that'' s a bug at this moment yet we wear ' t know without a doubt additionally the. swipe home insect'is still there so when you swipe residence allow ' s see if'we struck play once again swipe house. you ' ll see it ' s lags a bit when it goes to the dynamic Island why this is occurring is. hard to say it'' s laggy all over the area not just that but entering into various internet sites swiping to.
different apps occasionally is simply extremely laggy going between applications this kind of Computer animation is something.
that Apple'' s been excellent at for many years but for some factor proceeds to be an issue on this update.
and also previous iOS 16 updates with the 14 professional and pro Max for some reason now an additional weird pest some.
individuals are reporting with the original airpods Pro if possibly we attach one and also enter into our battery.
some people are stating that the instance is showing zero here it'' s showing the proper fee for.
me however when songs is playing in some cases they say this shows improperly so allow'' s go ahead as well as.
struck play see if it jumps over to my air capsules right here and it looks like it'' s playing and you''
ll. see the case is showing correctly however for some people it'' s not so thought it'' s worth. discussing as it'' s a little odd for some people additionally something else worth discussing is. in the notices while they ' re updating this a fair bit in some cases they ' re very laggy like.
I discussed earlier you can see that behavior there and as I scroll down the music player type.
of disappears so this is some strange behavior we'' re seeing you ' re swiping down in some cases individuals see.
it vanish entirely and also it doesn'' t feel like it should be acting like that so all of these. points require to be reported in the responses app and appear to be a problem still also lots of people.
have asked me concerning the video camera and if the pictures are any kind of various now so let'' s go in advance and.
take a screenshot of what this resembles right here and after that we'' ll go on and also take the picture itself.
and see exactly how it processes it and as you can see right here let me proceed and save that to images as.
you can see with the photos it looks fine yet I'' m unsure it looks the same as what we had.
commonly the pictures have mored than refined as well as dimmed and also let me recognize if it'' s better for. you I stated this in a few other videos as well and we'' ve been really hoping that Apple'' s going to deal with.
it it simply seems to be the blog post handling of it also some people are still mentioning they have.
a storage space pest I really haven'' t seen also a lot of an issue with this so we'' ll allow this tons give it.
simply a minute below now storage space completed packing and as you can see I have actually 130 gigabytes use.

A great portion of that is system data however that'' s alright is it ' s utilizing that as money as well as I wear ' t. need that storage space for anything and also you ' ll see iphone is occupying 9.58 gigabytes that'' s rather normal
. anytime you mount an update it overwrites the old one or removes the old files as well as you can see.
system information is 35 gigabytes and that'' s not really a concern unless I need the storage space for applications or. something so considering that there'' s an extra storage readily available we have plenty of storage as well as it'' s just. mosting likely to utilize that as cache information so no issues there regarding overall all battery life well battery.
life seems to be respectable for most individuals at this factor originally iphone 16.1.2 had several.
complaints yet after a couple of days of refining the majority of people have said it enhanced so depending on when.
you mounted it it needed to complete processing things behind-the-scenes as well as once it did that.
the majority of people say it'' s regarding the exact same as iphone 16.1.1 or perhaps a bit better as well as I
asked a person. in my telegram group to in fact send out over their battery life so we can take an appearance and also as you.
can see apple iphone 11 82 battery health thanks for sending out that over and you'' ll see right here 6 hrs.
as well as 35 mins of display promptly 2 hours and also 32 minutes of screen off time that'' s quite fantastic
. taking into consideration 82 battery health and wellness and it'' s an iPhone 11.

So that'' s pretty excellent battery life and in.
basic I'' m hearing advantages I wouldn'' t expect significant changes though as it'' s a minor upgrade as much. as iOS 16.2 beta 4'well I ' m running that complete time on this device and also my battery health and wellness is still 100.
considering that it'' s a newer phone and over the last 10 days yesterday I had 2 hours and 40 minutes of screen.
in a timely manner 3 hours and also 56 minutes of display still time utilized about 45 percent of my battery it can enhance.
it seems to be all right maybe a bit better than previously with five hours the previous day and also still.
not using 75 percent so I assume it'' s improving as we obtain closer to the last launch I think.
we'' ll see a bigger Renovation as for total efficiency performance appears excellent other than for that.
swiping house pest that I showed you over and over and the lag if those things were gone it would certainly.
really feel incredibly smooth Pro movement behaves as well as quick it hasn'' t reduced over the previous number of days.
entering into various applications is wonderful and also rapid Wi-Fi appears to be great for me in addition to mobile data.
generally some individuals said they saw slower information rates as far as the general update however.
that could depend upon your service provider how close you are to the Tower and more so it would need to.
be the specific same circumstance at the very same time of day as well as very same time of use usage and the number of phones are.
utilizing it makes a difference too so it'' s truly hard to determine that regarding the warm of the.
gadget well I'' ve run geekbench on this not as well long earlier just to inspect that out and we'' ll appearance. at that in a minute it appears to be great as well as great still so I actually have never focused much.
to warmth even billing or anything else if you make use of magsafe it monitors that for you with temperature level.
sensors and regulates the overall voltage so it'' s truly not something frequent I truly.
wouldn'' t bother with that it'' s not something that I typically pay way too much attention to if you.
have an instance on it that totally secures the phone take into consideration getting rid of that if you'' re quickly charging.
currently as for the next release I would certainly anticipate it to be the release candidate as we'' re getting. closer to the center of December that'' s normally when Apple releases this to ensure that indicates following week.
I would certainly expect the release prospect in 2015 we had iOS 15.2 beta 4 on December 2nd and after that we.
had the launch prospect on December 7th I would certainly expect the launch prospect probably as soon as.
Tuesday it could change naturally however based off of what we'' ve had I would think Tuesday makes.
a great deal of sense we might have it Thursday with a final release on Monday I would expect Monday.
the 12th to have the last launch of iOS 16.2 to the general public so that appears to make the a lot of feeling.
they could push this out with a beta 5 and afterwards an RC however I assume iOS 16.2 RC or release candidate.
will certainly be early next week and again a final release the complying with week with absolutely nothing in between up until.
January commonly we won'' t see the following variation of betas until probably mid-January of the 2nd.
week of January at the very least Apple pauses for Christmas as well as New Year'' s as well as various other vacations as well as. that ' s when we ' ll see those updates later on as people are relaxing to make sure that makes a great deal.
of feeling we'' ll see 16.3 then with possibly some brand-new features afterwards now let'' s have a look at. several of your comments so I'have a few I ' ve simply selected randomly right here depending on the variation they.
were on you'' ll see Sean claims seems to be smoother way much less computer animation stutter when swiping residence.
battery life seems actually excellent iOS 16.2.1 on a 14 Pro Max currently typically if a person asks me to check out.
their remark I put on'' t always do that however there ' s some excellent factors that are discussed right here and as.
you can see iphone 16.1.2 on apple iphone 13 battery life is much better than 16.1.1 yet not just as good as iphone 15..
Apple weakened the electronic camera top quality I can now see the switching of the cam lenses with blurred.
effect while taping video clip as well as most photos are Overexposed And so on the phone Warms a great deal less.
compared to 16.1.1 but still it Heats which'' s usually regular if you'' re doing intensive tasks.
anyhow some alerts don'' t go also after I slide them away they stuck they'' re stuck with
. a big clear all button Wi-Fi doesn'' t link immediately I have to by hand attach a lot of.
the moment I sanctuary'' t seen that myself messages stop working to be sent out so many times most irritating concern.
of all is that information is taking 57 gigabytes of room and also Safari is not functioning properly lots of.
times it won'' t lots the site as well as get stuck Midway I'' m encountering these concerns from IOS.
16.0.3 and also it'' s becoming worse with some enhancements Jeremy Dubose says Iowa 16.2 beta.
4 on a 14 pro Max efficiency and also battery life Etc have all been solid up until now taking 48 megapixel.
photos also seems to not take fairly as lengthy to process currently as well as well as 6 people offered it a thumbs.
up hopefully thinking the specific very same point or having the same experience Kwame claims iphone 16.1.2.
on an apple iphone 13 Pro Max a battery wellness at 97 percent battery efficiency is rather the exact same.
as iphone 16.1.1 but total efficiency has been enhanced typically bill my phone from 22.
to 89 every day and I'' m getting six to 7 hours in between that duration Shivam Christian.
Agarwal claims this variation addressed Apple view not syncing messages therefore that'' s everything with
. iphone 16.1.2 which was a bit unanticipated as well as iOS 16.2 beta 4.

Perhaps there'' s a few even more adjustments right here. and there yet that ' s every little thing I had the ability to locate however if you discovered something I'' d love to.
hear from you in the comments below I assume iOS 16.2 will be a wonderful update with over 20.
various modifications so I'' m anticipating that let me know if you'' ve discovered anything else.
in the comments below as well as certainly if you'' d like to obtain your hands on this wallpaper I''
ll. web link it in the description like I usually do if you haven'' t subscribed already though please.
subscribe and also if you enjoyed the video please provide it a like as always thanks for watching.
this is Aaron I'' ll see you following time [Songs]

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